Photo by Richard Campbell
This is not usual practice for last week of rehearsals, but as this production is presented in association with Arts and Theatres Trust Fife we have upped and moved sticks to Methil to open up the theatre-making process to local English and Drama students.
As the Digital Marketing Manager, I travelled to Fife today to observe and be on hand as our friends at Urbancroft were making a short film/trailer about the show. It was a busy day for lots of departments: our Education Officer, Louise was also present to lead workshops with students and I took the opportunity to start formatting the teachers' resource pack.
It was great to see David Greig's script properly come to life. The company rehearsed all day (...even into the evening). During the day two separate classes sat in to observe. This was no performance or contrived scenario, but rather a genuine glimpse at how professional rehearsals operate.
It was a surprise to the students how long could be spent on any one section of the script, even down to actors perfecting their vocal sound effects to make the most accurate "vroom" they could for a scooter.
They saw one of the particularly physical scenes involving lifts and some of the amusing musical numbers involving the "Duckettes"...a sight very much worth beholding!
After a bit more rehearsing, the Director, Guy, was kind enough to let us borrow his cast for a short while to run some scenes for the trailer. Time is always very tight with these things; so our film-maker Martyn had to do lots of thinking on his feet to determine his approach and prioritise footage.
So after they'd run a few scenes, we took actress Gemma McElhinney outside to film some close-up shots of her character. I can't say it's my proudest moment, but at one point - for want of anything better - I found myself trying to create a fake mole from some lumps of chocolate cake!? This was not my idea...and fair play to Gemma she was totally game! You'll be pleased to know we all bailed on that idea, hoping the audience would forgive this tiny missing detail.
The things we do eh?
So rehearsals continue tomorrow, the show will open for an invited audience including Fife Young Carers (who feature in the story) on Thursday night. After a schools and community tour, The Monster in the Hall will reach the Citz on 2 November. You can click the show name for more info or call 0141 429 0022 to book.
As for me, it's back to the grindstone tomorrow.
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