Monday, July 09, 2007

The big smoke

Things are ticking over at TAG, with lots of folk grabbing their summer holidays.

Last week Neil and Angela ran a drama summer school in East Kilbride in the build up to our EK Future 60 project and there was a bit of a mad rush before the end of term as I tried to get all of the schools' contracts finalised for the Yellow Moon tour. The tour is nearly complete and once contracts are sorted I'll post the venues online.

I got the chance to go to London last week. Yellow Moon has been invited to be part of the British Council Showcase during the Festival. This means that lots of international promoters will have the chance to see the show and meet with us during one particularly hectic week. I had to attend a briefing in London for the participating companies.

The meeting in the British Council offices had one of the best views of London - looking across the top of the London Eye, Whitehall, the Houses of Parliament and St James Park...just what a London meeting should be like!!


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